The Heliosparrow Semagrams
Contest Winners, 2022
Three Heliosparrow judges independently ranked the 100+ anonymized works, sent throughout the month of May. Below are the top six winners, followed by six Honorable Mentions. The judges’ results were combined, the top three selections being unanimous:
Contest Winner
Second-Place Prize
Third-Place Prize
Fourth-Place Prize
Fifth-Place Prize
Sixth-Place Prize
Honorable Mention 1
Honorable Mention 2
Honorable Mention 3
Honorable Mention 4
Honorable Mention 5
Honorable Mention 6
Out of Competition (a Heliosparrow Judge)
* * *
A big thank you to the 22 authors who submitted some 80 semagrams, a playful poetic form that inspired these writers to share novel explorations, all within a brief four-week window. Please take a look at the Semagrams page to learn more.
We wish you enlarging vistas of time and space. Richard Gilbert, Clayton Beach, Hansha Teki,