
Heliosparrow Press Publications

97 Winter Poems – asemic / semic parallels
by Johannes S. H. Bjerg

Evolving the form of parallel poems, in which two micropoems are interlinked on the page, 97 Winter Poems, asemic/semic parallels interlinks post-literate poems (without semantic content) with single-lined micropoems. What is created on the page is a form of writing sourced from the unconscious mind read in parallel with written words crafted by the conscious mind. This goes somewhere beyond merely attempting to interpret the post-literate with the language of the literate poetic mind.

97 Winter Poems – asemic / semic parallels may be ordered from Amazon online stores for print (paperback) or Kindle editions.

To obtain a copy of the book in PDF format for US$2.99 please click the following button. On payment a download link will be emailed to you.

Bipedal Verses
by Hansha Teki

“The parallel form allows me to develop my own slant on both form and techniques in a manner that is more authentic as to who I am while seeking to minimise the risk of unnecessary opacity yet opening up the poem to meaningful resonances of deep and universal feeling in those who may read my poems attentively.”

To obtain a copy of the book in PDF format for US$1.99 please click the following button. On payment a download link will be emailed to you.

Memories of the Future
by Clayton Beach & Hansha Teki

Here is a collaborative text woven of two minds, two voices, and from two sides of the Pacific. Take a pause, a breath—these poems breathe new life into the contemporary poem, with the sensibility of leap—leaving room for the reader’s imagination and foregrounding mystery in form. If not broken language, we find broken sememes, as though we live on small islands of knowing surrounded by seas of the unknown, of cosmos, and acknowledge a feeling there of atmospheres, tides, and longings… To speak to the future—as memory—is to address our trembling present by reframing all that has come before, yet these works are likewise rooted in the earth of cultural ancientness, echoing the “ever-shifting, self-effacing palimpsest” of distant voices drawing near, receding in lines that dissolve in mist. Our future, in question, is here presented in revelatory conversation.

—Dr. Richard Gilbert, Professor of English Literature at Kumamoto University, author of Poetry as Consciousness and The Disjunctive Dragonfly

Memories of the Future may be ordered from Amazon in print (paperback) or Kindle editions and also at many online book stores.

To obtain a copy of the book in PDF format for US$5.00 please click the following button. On payment a download link will be emailed to you.