Artist statement for his Braided Haiku
Pravat Kumar Padhy writes:
I experimented with the ‘Braided Haiku’ form in July 2021. Eric A. Lohman, editor of Fresh Out: An Arts and Poetry Collective, was kind enough to inspire me with valuable suggestions. In this form there are two one-breath short monoku, one at the top and one at the bottom, having a two-liner in between. In all, the braided haiku is framed out as: two stand-alone three-line haiku (one in italicized & the other in plain text), and two monoku out of a 4-line micropoem. The form is titled ‘Braided Haiku’ as three plaits are required to braid or weave. The form can as well be displayed as 1-2-1-3-3.
Note: The original essay “Braided Haiku: Shaping Meandering Thoughts“
by Pravat Kumar Padhy can be found online: Frogpond, 47:2, Spring/Summer 2024.